The objective of this project is to strengthen the statistical capacity in China and other developing countries especially in the area of basic statistics. Within this overall objective, special attention will be given to the fields such as the organization of the national statistical system, application of modern technologies in statistical work and service to statistical users. Knowledge transfer will include sharing of experiences in South-South collaboration.
The proposed expected accomplishments are (1) strengthened and optimized organization of national statistical systems and improved dissemination of data to policy makers and other users, and (2) increased capacity of the national statistical systems to produce better quality and more relevant statistical data for policy makers and other users especially in the areas of economic, environment and social statistics, thus improving data quality and credibility in a comprehensive manner.
In consideration of the statistical demand from China and other developing countries, priority will be given to a wide range of subject matter areas, including: big data, use of administrative records in statistics, application of modern technologies in statistical work, spatial analytics and information, research on innovation of statistical survey methods, statistics for services sector, environmental economic accounting, energy statistics, household surveys, enterprise innovation statistics, social statistics, gross fixed capital formation accounts, evaluation of resource utilization, well-being statistics, service to statistical users, and development and use of statistics, etc.
The implementation strategy to achieve the above expected accomplishments include: (i) international workshops; (ii) provision of materials on practices in implementation of latest international standards; (iii) technical advisory missions; (iv) exchange of staff among statistical offices; (v) sponsorship of short-term work or study in international organizations or other institutions; and (vi) study visits for officials to international seminars and conferences. The Statistics Division is currently implementing the second phase of this project. The first phase run from 2009 to 2014.
Lead Division
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Areas of work
Thematic Area