Monitoring progress towards sustainable forest management

This project supports and assists selected countries in developing a comprehensive and efficient system for monitoring progress towards SFM. This is be achieved through a step- by-step approach, which includes conducting inventories of existing forest-related data, mapping data gaps, addressing these gaps and selecting appropriate indicators. Particular attention is be paid to socio-economic aspects (e.g. livelihoods, food security, poverty reduction) of forests and financial flows for SFM.…

Recipients: Kenya, Ghana, Jamaica, Peru, Mongolia, Philippines
Partners: FAO
Status: Closed
Turning the tide on deforestation-Building partnerships to combat intensifying impacts of climate change, forest fires and zoonotic diseases

This project aims to strengthen capacity of four developing countries to develop and implement integrated forest landscape restoration plans to halt deforestation, tackle its drivers and its intensifying factors, and make progress towards the forest-related SDGs. It also aims to build capacity for developing and implementing policy measures for enhancing mobilization of public and private sector investments into forest landscape restoration. The expected outputs include background situation…

Recipients: Uganda, Malawi, Viet Nam, Fiji
Partners: Resident Coordinator’s Offices RC(O)s, UN Country Teams (UNCTs), Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and UNEP
Donors: RB
Status: Active