Municipal asset management for sustainable development in selected Least Developed Countries in Africa and Asia

The proposed project aims to address the lack of systematic and long-term asset management at the municipal level in the four least developed countries (LDCs). The ultimate objective of improving municipal asset management is to help municipalities meet a required level of basic services, in the most cost-effective manner, through the management of physical assets (land, buildings, infrastructure) for present and future customers. This objective is accomplished through enhanced lifecycle…

Recipients: Uganda, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Nepal
Partners: UNCDF, UN-Habitat
Status: Closed
Strategies for mitigating the impact of graduation from the least developed countries category

The least developed countries (LDCs) represent the poorest and weakest segment of the international community, with limited human and institutional capacities, high levels of poverty, scarcity of financial resources, and often undiversified economies dominated by the agricultural or natural resource sectors. LDCs benefit from a range of international support measures (ISMs), and LDCs in the process of graduation often poorly understand the potential impacts of graduation in terms of…

Recipients: Uganda, Bhutan, Nepal
Status: Closed
Enhancing the capacity of governments and indigenous leaders to ensure social integration and inclusive development in selected countries in Africa and Asia

The project aims at enhancing the capacity of the Indigenous Peoples in selected countries in Africa and Asia to engage in constructive policy dialogues and/or participatory mechanisms with a view to develop strategies and initiatives to improve their well-being and economic and social status, including through the promotion of social integration and inclusive development. The formulation, implementation and evaluation of the project respond to the principles upheld in the UN Declaration on…

Recipients: Uganda, Kenya, Namibia, Cambodia, Philippines
Status: Closed
Data collection methodology and tools for supporting the formulation of evidence-based policies in response to the challenge of population ageing in sub-Saharan Africa

The objective of the project is to develop a standard methodology to produce, analyze and deliver a database of harmonized indicators on the situation of older persons in Africa. The project is the starting point of a larger DESA initiative that aims to assist countries in collecting and analyzing data on older persons in order to more accurately monitor the changing situation of older persons during the implementation phase of the new 2030 Development Agenda. The project will conduct a…

Recipients: Uganda, Kenya, Malawi
Partners: ECA
Status: Closed
Strengthening capacities of developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa to effectively produce and use population estimates and projections in policy-making for sustainable development

This project aims at building greater capacity in 17 African countries to produce, analyse and utilise population estimates and projections using state-of-the-art methods and tools in formal demography. It will also address analysis and dissemination of data through training and use of new information technology tools and platforms. Countries will participate in training activities based on their demand and their capacity to produce the necessary data for population estimates and projections…

Recipients: Uganda, Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zambia, Cameroon, Gabon, Botswana, Namibia, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo
Partners: ECA
Status: Closed
Enhancing national statistical capacity to measure, monitor, assess and report on progress on achieving post-2015 goals and targets for sustainable development

The project helped to strengthen the capacity of selected developing countries in Africa and Asia to measure, monitor and report progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Post-2015 Development Agenda. The project activities will result in conducted national dialogues and meetings among and between policy makers, data producers/statisticians and other data users on SDGs/post-2015 monitoring; assessment of the statistical capacities for SDGs/post-2015 monitoring and…

Recipients: Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Cambodia, Philippines, Viet Nam
Partners: ECA, ESCAP, UNDP
Status: Closed
Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals

The project aims at making Sustainable development goal data of project countries open and available to the widest possible audience by improving the dissemination and use of Sustainable Development Goal indicators at national and international levels. The project will build capacity of countries in dissemination of data; modernisation of their National Statistical Systems with up-to-date technology and skills; engagement with key users of data; and will create an on-line, international data…

Recipients: Uganda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet Nam, Bangladesh, Nepal
Donors: UK, DFID
Status: Closed
Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE) joint programme

The Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE) Initiative is a new partnership that seeks to accelerate existing efforts to generate comparable gender indicators on health, education, employment, entrepreneurship and asset ownership. This initiative was launched in May 2011 by the United States at the OECD Ministerial Session on Gender and Development and builds on the work of the United Nations Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics. 2. In 1995, the UN Beijing Platform for…

Recipients: Uganda, South Africa, Mexico, Mongolia, Philippines, Maldives, Georgia
Partners: UN Women
Donors: Australia, Canada, Republic of Korea, Unitead States of America, UNWomen
Status: Closed
Inclusive development for indigenous peoples in Africa

The project aims at enhancing the capacity of the target groups in the following selected countries in Africa: Angola, Namibia, Uganda and Zimbabwe to engage in constructive policy dialogues and/or participatory mechanisms, with a view to develop strategies and initiatives to advance inclusive development and SDG achievement for indigenous peoples in the framework of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Through capacity building of both national and local…

Recipients: Uganda, Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia
Status: Closed
Turning the tide on deforestation-Building partnerships to combat intensifying impacts of climate change, forest fires and zoonotic diseases

This project aims to strengthen capacity of four developing countries to develop and implement integrated forest landscape restoration plans to halt deforestation, tackle its drivers and its intensifying factors, and make progress towards the forest-related SDGs. It also aims to build capacity for developing and implementing policy measures for enhancing mobilization of public and private sector investments into forest landscape restoration. The expected outputs include background situation…

Recipients: Uganda, Malawi, Viet Nam, Fiji
Partners: Resident Coordinator’s Offices RC(O)s, UN Country Teams (UNCTs), Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and UNEP
Donors: RB
Status: Active