New assistance measures for graduating Belt and Road Least DevelopedCountries toward the achievement of Agenda 2030

Around 12 least developed countries (LDC) are scheduled to leave the category in coming years, more than doubling the number which have left the category in the 47 years since it was formed. Many of these potential graduates are concerned about losing access to the international support measures (ISMs) provided by the international community. After graduation, in some cases after a transition period, countries stand to face reduced support or forego access to support measures in trade,…

Recipients: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Timor-Leste, Bangladesh, Nepal
Donors: China
Status: Closed
Helping Least Developed Countries achieve structural economic progress toward graduation

The project aims to help five Least Developed Countries (LDCs) (four in Asia, one in the Pacific) increase their chances of achieving structural economic and social progress toward and beyond graduation from LDC status. This, for the two implementing organizations, involves: (i) provision of country-specific analytical material on the implications of LDC graduation; vulnerability and resilience-building; and smooth transition strategies; (ii) relevant advisory services to policy makers; and…

Recipients: Lao PDR, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan
Partners: UNCTAD (joint partner), UNDP, ECA, ESCAP, ITC, WTO
Status: Closed
Mobilizing Science, Technology and Innovation in Developing Countries for the SDGs

The Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) was launched as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with the objective to support the SDGs. It includes three major components – an Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) of over 30 UN-system agencies; an annual multi-stakeholder Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Forum; and an on-line platform that is expected to serve as a gateway for information on existing science, technology and innovation (STI) initiatives, mechanisms and…

Recipients: Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, India, Serbia
Donors: China
Status: Closed
Developing institutional capacities for digital data management and cooperation to advance progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals

Data and related issues and developments in the public sector have become increasingly important in terms of government analysis and operations, academic research, and real-world applicability and acceptance. Data are now integral to every sector and function of government—as essential as physical assets and human resources. Much of the operational activity in government is now data-driven, and many Governments would find it difficult, if not impossible, to function effectively without data…

Recipients: Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Egypt, Morocco, Namibia, Gambia, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Vanuatu, Samoa
Donors: China
Status: Active
Smooth transition beyond graduation for least developed countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific in a post-COVID-19 environment

The project aims to help six least developed countries (LDCs), two in Africa, two in Asia and two in the Pacific, that are either: i) assessed as eligible for graduation the first time and those close to meeting the graduation threshold; or ii) graduating and graduated from LDC status - to adjust their preparation for graduation in the wake of Covid-19 and to build greater resilience for a smooth transition in a post-Covid environment. The project offers dedicated capacity development…

Recipients: Zambia, Senegal, Lao PDR, Bangladesh, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
Partners: ESCAP, ECA, UNCTAD, ITC, WTO, OECD Development Centre, OHRLLS, UNCDF, EIF
Status: Active
Inclusive and sustainable economic growth in a society for all ages in the post-COVID-19 era in Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean.

This project’s objective is to enhance the capacity of governments in the Asia-Pacific and Latin America and Caribbean regions to develop evidence-based, intergenerational policies for inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the context of population ageing. The Secretary-General’s report on Our Common Agenda highlighted the importance of strengthening capacities to understand and assess the future, building long-term intergenerational thinking into important policies and…

Recipients: Jamaica, Costa Rica, Colombia, Uruguay, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Viet Nam, Maldives
Status: Active
Strengthening national capacities for enhancing MSME resilience and building forward better to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in developing countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative

Micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) contribute to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  MSMEs help reduce levels of poverty through job creation and economic growth, they are key drivers of employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship for women, youth and groups in vulnerable situations, and also make up the majority of the world’s food producers and ensure sustainable food production systems, they play a critical…

Recipients: Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Gambia, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Philippines, Sri Lanka
Donors: China
Status: Active
Strengthening capacity for evidence-informed policymaking: from inclusive data to inclusive policy for responding to national and global crises

This project aims to enhance the capacity of Malawi, Sri Lanka, and Nepal to utilize non-traditional data and integrated data sources for evidence-informed policy formulation in response to national and global crises. It underscores the critical importance of informed policymaking, aiming to bridge the gap between data developers and users while fostering effective coordination among stakeholders. By equipping these countries with tools and knowledge, the objective is to mitigate the impacts…

Recipients: Malawi, Nepal, Sri Lanka
Partners: ECA, ESCAP
Donors: RB
Status: Active
Strengthening Capacity for evidence-based Social Protection Policies for responding to the triple global crisis in fuel, food and finance

The 2020-2022 World Social Protection Report noted that globally, only 46.9% of the population was effectively covered by at least one social protection benefit, and in Africa and Asia and the Pacific, this is even lower, at 17.4% and 44.1%, respectively. Evidence suggests that countries with better social protection policies and programmes are better at curbing the effects of the Triple Crisis, with overall positive effects on health, education, labour market outcomes, income inequality,…

Recipients: Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, Senegal, Cambodia, Maldives
Partners: ESCAP, ECA, ILO
Donors: RB
Status: Active