Around 12 least developed countries (LDC) are scheduled to leave the category in coming years, more than doubling the number which have left the category in the 47 years since it was formed. Many of these potential graduates are concerned about losing access to the international support measures (ISMs) provided by the international community. After graduation, in some cases after a transition period, countries stand to face reduced support or forego access to support measures in trade,…
The main objective of the 3R process in Asia is to integrate 3Rs and resource efficiency in the overall policy, planning and development, by sensitizing the local and national governments, private sector, industry and business groups (including SMEs), and civil society, in order to contribute the Outcome of Rio+20 – The Future We Want, 3Rs and resource efficiency are promoted as the basis for sustainable waste management. The objectives of the proposed Project are more explicitly the…
The project aims to enhance and strengthen knowledge, policy development and national capacities of developing countries and countries with economies in transition to improve their policies and programmes supporting the growth of micro-, small-, and medium-enterprises (MSMEs) in order to promote productive activities, job creation, income generation and entrepreneurship especially among socially disadvantaged groups including women, youth, and to effectively contribute to the achievement of…
The main objective of the EST process in Asia is to integrate environmentally sustainable transport in the overall policy, planning and development, by sensitizing the local and national governments, the private sector, and civil society, in order to contribute and follow up the
Outcome of Rio+20 – The Future We Want, SG’s High-level Panel on Transport, post-2015 Development Agenda/SDGs and other global processes. The immediate objective of the proposed project are more explicitly the…
The project aims at enhancing the capacity of the Indigenous Peoples in selected countries in Africa and Asia to engage in constructive policy dialogues and/or participatory mechanisms with a view to develop strategies and initiatives to improve their well-being and economic and social status, including through the promotion of social integration and inclusive development. The formulation, implementation and evaluation of the project respond to the principles upheld in the UN Declaration on…
The project helped to strengthen the capacity of selected developing countries in Africa and Asia to measure, monitor and report progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Post-2015 Development Agenda. The project activities will result in conducted national dialogues and meetings among and between policy makers, data producers/statisticians and other data users on SDGs/post-2015 monitoring; assessment of the statistical capacities for SDGs/post-2015 monitoring and…
The project aims at making Sustainable development goal data of project countries open and available to the widest possible audience by improving the dissemination and use of Sustainable Development Goal indicators at national and international levels. The project will build capacity of countries in dissemination of data; modernisation of their National Statistical Systems with up-to-date technology and skills; engagement with key users of data; and will create an on-line, international data…