Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals

The project aims at making Sustainable development goal data of project countries open and available to the widest possible audience by improving the dissemination and use of Sustainable Development Goal indicators at national and international levels. The project will build capacity of countries in dissemination of data; modernisation of their National Statistical Systems with up-to-date technology and skills; engagement with key users of data; and will create an on-line, international data…

Recipients: Uganda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet Nam, Bangladesh, Nepal
Donors: UK, DFID
Status: Closed
Accelerating universal social protection for achieving the SDGs and ending poverty through strengthened governance and digital transformation

Today more than half of the world’s population has no access to social protection at all. In Lao PDR and Tajikistan exclusion is even larger with, respectively, 87.9 and 73.4 percent of the population with no income security in cases of old age, maternity, unemployment and other life cycle and socioeconomic risks.  Poor governance, lack of integrated policy responses, and insufficient and unsustainable financing of social protection are key issues for a number of countries including Lao PDR…

Recipients: Tajikistan, Lao PDR
Partners: ILO
Donors: China
Status: Active