Strengthening capacity of National Tax Administrations in developing countries to effectively negotiate and apply double tax treaties for financing of sustainable development

The project seeks to strengthen the capacity of NTAs and MoFs in developing countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and in Africa to negotiate and apply double tax treaties, drawing on the UN Model, and to formulate inputs into the policy making processes influencing the way double tax treaties are negotiated and re-negotiated to the benefit of developing countries. The main focus of the first phase of the project will be the delivery of the UN Course on Double Tax Treaties with a view…

Recipients: Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Partners: ECLAC, ECA
Status: Closed
Strengthening capacity of National Tax Administrations And Ministries of Finance in developing countries to protect and broaden their tax base for financing of sustainable development
Recipients: Tanzania, Angola, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Paraguay
Partners: ECLAC
Status: Closed
Support to Integrated National Financing Frameworks (INFFs) in SIDS

Integrated national financing frameworks (INFFs) can help countries design and deliver financing solutions that can support the achievement of national sustainable development objectives, and a sustainable recovery. Since INFFs were first introduced as part of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, interest in them has grown steadily. The international community has responded by developing tools and providing funding for national reform efforts.  In the last two years, the Inter-agency Task Force on…

Recipients: Mauritius, Seychelles, Dominican Republic, Fiji
Partners: UNDP, RCOs
Donors: Italy
Status: Active