Administrative data for disaggregated Sustainable Development Goals indicators in Africa, Asia and the Pacific and Latin America

When good-quality administrative systems are in place and their information is regularly updated, they can reliably provide a full picture of key aspects of a country’s population or economy on a continuous basis. Data collected for administrative purposes can be a rich and cost-efficient source for the production of timely and high-quality official statistics, especially to address the urgent need for disaggregated data on SDG indicators to ensure no one is left behind in the implementation…

Recipients: Tanzania, Cameroon, Namibia, Dominican Republic, Chile, Ecuador, Bhutan, Sri Lanka
Status: Closed
Integrated and coherent national recovery strategies promoting social inclusion, macroeconomic stability, effective governance and protection of the environment for selected small island developing states

This project aims to strengthen the capacity of Mauritius, Seychelles, Guinea-Bissau and Jamaica to formulate and implement integrated and coherent national planning and policy that promote social inclusion, macroeconomic stability, effective governance, protection of the environment and mobilizes stakeholders. Based on integrated planning methodologies and the principles of blue and green economy, the focus will be to support the development of economies that are resilient, diversified and…

Recipients: Mauritius, Seychelles, Guinea-Bissau, Dominican Republic, Fiji
Partners: UNECA
Donors: RB
Status: Active