he adoption of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015 brought increased attention to the international community on the need to strengthen the statistical capacity of developing countries to measure, monitor and report on the sustainable development goals, targets and indicators. Goal 17 specifically addresses strengthening the means of implementation, with target 17.18 calling for enhanced capacity building support to developing …
When good-quality administrative systems are in place and their information is regularly updated, they can reliably provide a full picture of key aspects of a country’s population or economy on a continuous basis. Data collected for administrative purposes can be a rich and cost-efficient source for the production of timely and high-quality official statistics, especially to address the urgent need for disaggregated data on SDG indicators to ensure no one is left behind in the implementation…
The 75th session of the UN General Assembly recognized that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic was one of the most significant global challenges in the United Nations' history and noted with deep concern its impact on people the society, and the economy. Thus, at the same session, the General Assembly endorsed a comprehensive and coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic (A/RES/74/306) that calls, i.e. for the development of new interoperable data tools and the strengthening of…