Enhancing the capacity of governments and indigenous leaders to ensure social integration and inclusive development in selected countries in Africa and Asia

The project aims at enhancing the capacity of the Indigenous Peoples in selected countries in Africa and Asia to engage in constructive policy dialogues and/or participatory mechanisms with a view to develop strategies and initiatives to improve their well-being and economic and social status, including through the promotion of social integration and inclusive development. The formulation, implementation and evaluation of the project respond to the principles upheld in the UN Declaration on…

Recipients: Uganda, Kenya, Namibia, Cambodia, Philippines
Status: Closed
Strengthening Capacity for evidence-based Social Protection Policies for responding to the triple global crisis in fuel, food and finance

The 2020-2022 World Social Protection Report noted that globally, only 46.9% of the population was effectively covered by at least one social protection benefit, and in Africa and Asia and the Pacific, this is even lower, at 17.4% and 44.1%, respectively. Evidence suggests that countries with better social protection policies and programmes are better at curbing the effects of the Triple Crisis, with overall positive effects on health, education, labour market outcomes, income inequality,…

Recipients: Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, Senegal, Cambodia, Maldives
Partners: ESCAP, ECA, ILO
Donors: RB
Status: Active