The Ministry of Social Affairs of Kyrgyzstan requested UNDESA to provide assistance on designing and conducting a national survey on ageing formulating an evidence-based national policy on ageing in order to follow-up to the recommendations contained in the UNDESA Mission Report conducted by DSPD/DESA in Kyrgyzstan in April 2014. This project is a continuation of the initial support that UNDESA has provided to Kyrgyzstan in 2014 by advisory mission that concluded that, among other things,…
Today more than half of the world’s population has no access to social protection at all. In Lao PDR and Tajikistan exclusion is even larger with, respectively, 87.9 and 73.4 percent of the population with no income security in cases of old age, maternity, unemployment and other life cycle and socioeconomic risks. Poor governance, lack of integrated policy responses, and insufficient and unsustainable financing of social protection are key issues for a number of countries including Lao PDR…