Strengthening the capacity of least developed countries to develop evidence-based, coherent and well financed strategies to implement the 2030 Agenda

This project provided technical assistance to four least developed countries (LDCs), Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Lao PDR and Tanzania, on different aspects of their efforts to integrate the 2030 Agenda into national development plans and strategies. The work focused on areas that many countries have identified as a priority for technical assistance in their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs): policy coherence and inclusiveness (including aspects such as modeling, institutional arrangements and…

Recipients: Ethiopia, Tanzania, Lao PDR, Bangladesh
Partners: ECA, ESCAP, UNDP
Donors: China
Status: Closed
Enhancing policy coherence for the SDGs through integrated assessments and institutional strengthening

All governments from developing countries confront the challenge of designing coherent policies that can simultaneously accelerate growth, reduce poverty and inequality, preserve and improve the environment, and help adapt/mitigate to climate change. To successfully achieve these objectives, countries need both i) sound institutional arrangements for policy integration; and ii) quantitative analytical capacities to assess policy options. The ultimate aim is to foster a cohesive policy…

Recipients: Ethiopia, Cameroon, Senegal
Status: Closed
Monitoring and reporting on sustainable development objectives, goals and targets; enhancing institutional capability in selected developing countries

Progress of the Sustainable Development Agenda (i.e. post-2015) is conditioned in large measureby the ability of Member States to monitor, report on -- and learn lessons from -- theimplementation of their National Sustainable Development Strategies (NSDS) and assess theireffectiveness against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is thus critical for policymakers and other stakeholders to have access to effective statistics and data, monitoring andreporting tools, frameworks and…

Recipients: Latin America and the Caribbean, Belize, South America, Colombia, Eastern Africa, Ethiopia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Honduras, Western Asia, Jordan
Status: Closed
Implementation of national sustainable development strategies in selected countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America
Recipients: Eastern Africa, Ethiopia, Northern Africa, Egypt, Latin America and the Caribbean, Costa Rica
Status: Closed