Municipal asset management for sustainable development in selected Least Developed Countries in Africa and Asia

The proposed project aims to address the lack of systematic and long-term asset management at the municipal level in the four least developed countries (LDCs). The ultimate objective of improving municipal asset management is to help municipalities meet a required level of basic services, in the most cost-effective manner, through the management of physical assets (land, buildings, infrastructure) for present and future customers. This objective is accomplished through enhanced lifecycle…

Recipients: Uganda, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Nepal
Partners: UNCDF, UN-Habitat
Status: Closed
New assistance measures for graduating Belt and Road Least DevelopedCountries toward the achievement of Agenda 2030

Around 12 least developed countries (LDC) are scheduled to leave the category in coming years, more than doubling the number which have left the category in the 47 years since it was formed. Many of these potential graduates are concerned about losing access to the international support measures (ISMs) provided by the international community. After graduation, in some cases after a transition period, countries stand to face reduced support or forego access to support measures in trade,…

Recipients: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Timor-Leste, Bangladesh, Nepal
Donors: China
Status: Closed
Strengthening the capacity of least developed countries to develop evidence-based, coherent and well financed strategies to implement the 2030 Agenda

This project provided technical assistance to four least developed countries (LDCs), Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Lao PDR and Tanzania, on different aspects of their efforts to integrate the 2030 Agenda into national development plans and strategies. The work focused on areas that many countries have identified as a priority for technical assistance in their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs): policy coherence and inclusiveness (including aspects such as modeling, institutional arrangements and…

Recipients: Ethiopia, Tanzania, Lao PDR, Bangladesh
Partners: ECA, ESCAP, UNDP
Donors: China
Status: Closed
Helping Least Developed Countries achieve structural economic progress toward graduation

The project aims to help five Least Developed Countries (LDCs) (four in Asia, one in the Pacific) increase their chances of achieving structural economic and social progress toward and beyond graduation from LDC status. This, for the two implementing organizations, involves: (i) provision of country-specific analytical material on the implications of LDC graduation; vulnerability and resilience-building; and smooth transition strategies; (ii) relevant advisory services to policy makers; and…

Recipients: Lao PDR, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan
Partners: UNCTAD (joint partner), UNDP, ECA, ESCAP, ITC, WTO
Status: Closed
Strategies for mitigating the impact of graduation from the least developed countries category

The least developed countries (LDCs) represent the poorest and weakest segment of the international community, with limited human and institutional capacities, high levels of poverty, scarcity of financial resources, and often undiversified economies dominated by the agricultural or natural resource sectors. LDCs benefit from a range of international support measures (ISMs), and LDCs in the process of graduation often poorly understand the potential impacts of graduation in terms of…

Recipients: Uganda, Bhutan, Nepal
Status: Closed
Enhancing national capacities for unleashing full potentials of micro-, small- and medium-enterprises (MSMEs) in achieving sustainable development goals in developing countries

The project aims to enhance and strengthen knowledge, policy development and national capacities of developing countries and countries with economies in transition to improve their policies and programmes supporting the growth of micro-, small-, and medium-enterprises (MSMEs) in order to promote productive activities, job creation, income generation and entrepreneurship especially among socially disadvantaged groups including women, youth, and to effectively contribute to the achievement of…

Recipients: Kenya, Tanzania, Gambia, Brazil, Peru, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Fiji
Partners: UNDP, UNIDO, UNCTAD, WB, UNGC, ICC, ADB, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Ford Foundation, UNF, Gates Foundation
Donors: China
Status: Closed
Strengthening capacity of National Tax Administrations in developing countries to effectively negotiate and apply double tax treaties for financing of sustainable development

The project seeks to strengthen the capacity of NTAs and MoFs in developing countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and in Africa to negotiate and apply double tax treaties, drawing on the UN Model, and to formulate inputs into the policy making processes influencing the way double tax treaties are negotiated and re-negotiated to the benefit of developing countries. The main focus of the first phase of the project will be the delivery of the UN Course on Double Tax Treaties with a view…

Recipients: Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Partners: ECLAC, ECA
Status: Closed
Strengthening capacity of National Tax Administrations And Ministries of Finance in developing countries to protect and broaden their tax base for financing of sustainable development
Recipients: Tanzania, Angola, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Paraguay
Partners: ECLAC
Status: Closed
Strengthening the Capacity of Sub-Saharan African Countries to Increase Domestic Revenue Mobilization for Investment in Sustainable Development

The project aims at protecting and broadening the tax base of developing countries in Africa by strengthening the capacity of their National Tax Administrations (NTAs) and Ministries of Finance (MoFs) to effectively apply double tax treaties, drawing on the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries (UN Model). This will help improve the investment climate and combat tax evasion, and thus increase tax revenues for investment in sustainable…

Partners: ECA, African Tax Administration Forum, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Inter-American Center of Tax Administration, WBG, IMF
Donors: Italy
Status: Closed
Towards integrated national financing framework

Five years after the adoption of the 2030 and Addis Agendas, mobilization of sufficient finance remains a critical challenge in most countries. The COVID-19 pandemic has further undermined fiscal and external balances, threatening countries’ prospects for timely achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Integrated national financing frameworks (INFFs), a planning and delivery framework to help countries finance sustainable development and the SDGs, can be a valuable tool in…

Recipients: Zambia, Egypt, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Jordan, Belarus
Status: Closed