National Transfer Accounts (NTA) provide a coherent accounting framework of economic flows from one age group or generation to another, typically for a national population in a given calendar year. This manual presents the concepts, methods and estimation procedures to measure these flows over the life-cycle. The NTA estimates are useful to understand and analyse the implications of changing age structures for the fiscal sustainability of social programs, the accumulation of physical and human capital, economic growth, and familial support for children, youth and older persons.

This manual describes a workshop method that enables participant experts in sustainable development to contextualize and adapt the material provided in the Guidance Notes “Developing National Sustainable Development Strategies in Post-conflict Countries”. The workshop provides an exploratory process to help development policy-makers and other stakeholders in conflict-affected countries address their unique contextual challenges.

The guidance note was developed to address the dual challenges of peacebuilding and sustainable development, and, more specifically, provide guidance on how to approach sustainable development in post-conflict countries. This document is primarily intended to support national governments of post-conflict countries.

The handbook is divided into six chapters and seven annexes. It covers managerial issues when reorganizing national statistical offices to permit the full use of geospatial infrastructure. It provides technical content for the data-processing manager or cartography/GIS chief, such as constructing an EA (enumeration area) geodatabase, using global positioning systems (GPS) and remote sensing and creating maps needed for enumeration. The annexes provide a handy reference for those planning and implementing geospatial solutions to census projects.

The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 Central Framework is an international statistical standard that provides the statistical framework consisting of a comprehensive set of tables and accounts, which guides the compilation of consistent and comparable statistics and indicators for policymaking, analysis and research.

The Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013) is a multi-purpose conceptual and statistical framework that is comprehensive and integrative in nature and marks out the scope of environment statistics. It provides an organizing structure to guide the collection and compilation of environment statistics at the national level. It brings together data from the various relevant subject areas and sources. It is broad and holistic in nature, covering the issues and aspects of the environment that are relevant for policy analysis and decision making by applying it to cross-cutting issues such as climate change

UNSD, in collaboration with the Expert Group on Environment Statistics, has developed the Environment Statistics Self-Assessment Tool (ESSAT) in support of the FDES 2013. The purpose of the ESSAT is to assist countries in both developing their environment statistics programmes and collecting their own data on the environment, and to assess the state of environment statistics and the needs for their development at the national level consistent with the scope of the FDES 2013.

The Basic Set of Environment Statistics is a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, set of statistics designed to support countries developing national environment statistics programmes by helping them make decisions on priorities for statistical development. It is embedded in the FDES 2013 and consists of 458 individual statistics organized into the structure of the FDES (components, sub-components and topics). The Basic Set is divided into three tiers, based on the level of relevance, availability and methodological development of the statistics.

The objective of the Manual is to produce and disseminate a set of methodology sheets or metadata for the collection or compilation of all environment statistics of the Basic Set of Environment Statistics embedded in the FDES 2013. These methodology sheets offer detailed and in-depth methodological guidance including definitions, classifications, statistical methods for collection and/or compilation, dissemination and main uses of the sets of the respective environment statistics.

The Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008, provides an updated framework for constructing a Tourism Satellite Account. The purpose of a Tourism Satellite Account is to analyze in detail all the aspects of demand for goods and services associated with the activity of visitors; to observe the operational interface with the supply of such goods and services within the economy; and to describe how this supply interacts with other economic activities. It permits greater internal consistency of tourism statistics with the rest of the statistical system of a country, as well as increased international comparability of these data. The updating process was undertaken by UNWTO under the scrutiny of the Inter-agency Coordination Group on Tourism Statistics.