This set of principles and recommendations provides guidance on establishing a functioning system for collecting, processing and disseminating vital statistics; improving sources of vital statistics, primarily the functioning of the civil registration system and its components; and the role of complementary sources of vital statistics, such as population censuses, household surveys and public-health records.
The main objective of the Principles and Recommendations is to provide international principles and recommendations for use by national statistical offices and census officials in countries throughout the world in planning and organizing their censuses
The Handbook provides guidance on the measurement of economic characteristics in population censuses, based on relevant experiences of countries, with a particular focus on the questions used and the requirements for processing of responses.
This Knowledge Center documents and disseminates United Nations methodological guidelines, research articles and country practices and activities in the area of civil registration and vital statistics. It aims at facilitating the international exchange and sharing of knowledge and information, as well as provision of guidance to countries, and monitoring progress made on civil registration and vital statistics.
The Knowledge Center is a searchable database that contains documents on civil registration and vital statistics guidelines, demographic methods, and development of civil registration and vital statistics in various countries.
The Census Knowledge Base is a fundamental part of the resource centre for the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme. It is a repository of documents relevant for the field of population and housing census taking. This includes international census methodological guidelines as well as documents on best practices in census taking.
This website serves as the knowledge centre on official statistics and reflects the strong commitment of UNSD to facilitate the sharing of experiences and best practices in the management and development of national statistical systems. This work started with the collation of good practices in the application of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. This website is a searchable repository, providing information on current practices in National Statistical Systems around the world, and international guidelines on statistical organizations
The Country Practices Database, established in 2000, provides reference material from countries on the 10 Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, in particular examples of policies and practices in various national statistical systems for implementing the Principle
Gradjet helps government officials in least developed countries (LDCs) understand what it means to leave the LDC category and to plot a course for future action. It’s also aimed at the wider development community and anyone else interested in LDC graduation. Tailored to each country, showing what graduation means in context, the site shows what happens before, during and after leaving the category, with contacts, information and suggestions about what to do at each stage.
The Policy Note takes stock of the nature of the financial, technical and institutional support and preferential trade-related treatments that have been provided to LDCs. It provides an assessment of how useful these existing support measures have been and identifies ways in which they can be made more effective.
The CDP Background Papers are preliminary documents aimed at stimulating discussion and critical comment on the broad range of economic, social and environmental issues associated with the issues dealt with by the Committee for Development Policy.