Requesting entity name
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS)
Demand Region
Requesting Country
Requesting entity category
National government
Responsible Division/s
Statistics Division
Areas of Work
Means of implementation
Support/Output provided
Support/Output provided (project, workshop, advisory service, etc.)
Advisory service
Climate change data collection
Under consideration
Request summary
The tenth meeting of the EGES encouraged countries to invest through their national statistical systems in the development of climate change statistics, by designing special surveys or other data collection tools, and to include climate and environment-related questions in the PHC, agriculture censuses, household surveys (household income), censuses/surveys of economic activities, etc. UNSD is offering support in this area, by reviewing the experiences from countries who have advanced on collected climate change statistics via censuses and surveys (UK, Netherlands, Nepal, Tanzania); preparing a draft core set of suitable questions and assisting/advising countries which are currently preparing their own climate change surveys. The interest and demand for such support is growing, e.g. Uganda, Peru, Cameroon, Suriname and others are planning or already developing climate change surveys and will benefit from capacity development support along with Uganda.
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