Requesting entity name
African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM)
Demand Region
Demand Sub region
Requesting Country
Requesting entity category
Responsible Division/s
Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government
Areas of Work
Institutions, integrated and inclusive approaches
Support/Output provided
Support/Output provided (project, workshop, advisory service, etc.)
AAPAM 43rd Annual Roundtable Conference
The 43rd AAPAM (African Association for Public Management and Administration and Management) Roundtable Conference took place in Kampala, Uganda under the theme ‘Reimagining a Future-Ready Governance: Empowering Resilient Leadership with Innovation for realization of the 2030/2063 Agendas’ Within this context, DPIDG contributed to the Roundtable a number of capacity development activities with a focus on fostering innovation and better engaging young public servants in the public sector. Notably it hosted a capacity development session on ‘Young Public Servants: Engaging young people for a more innovative, effective, and future ready public service in Africa’, drawing upon the outcomes of the 2024 UN Public Service Workshop on young public servants. In addition, it contributed to a panel on enhancing innovative public service delivery, by sharing knowledge on the revamped UN Public Service Awards Programme and linking innovations in the region to its thematic areas.
Request summary
AAPAM requests DPIDG's support and collaboration in hosting the roundtable conference to be held in Kampala, Uganda from 26 - 29 November 2024. UNDESA’s support has been essential in the various key sessions including the Cabinet Secretary session, Young Professionals session, the sessions on human resource management, transformational leadership for institutional development, on innovations for achieving SDGS, and the Innovative Management Awards (IMA). AAPAM requests that DPIDG consider supporting them in the following areas: hosting a DESA breakaway workshop on a selected thematic area, participation of cabinet secretaries/ Heads of Public Service, translation services (English, French and Arabic), support the participation of sub-Saharan LDC countries to attend the conference, participation of Young Professionals, participation of UNDESA staff as facilitators especially in the areas of public sector innovations for achieving SDGs, transformational leadership for institutional development and digital government transformation.
Funding source
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