Requesting entity name
Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
Demand Region
Demand Sub region
Requesting Country
Requesting entity category
National government
Responsible Division/s
Division for Inclusive Social Development
Areas of Work
Social inclusion
Support/Output provided
Support/Output provided (project, workshop, advisory service, etc.)
UNDESA/DISD has received a request for cooperation from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MOTCE) of the Republic of Indonesia, to provide capacity building assistance regarding the enhancement of social inclusion in the development of creative industries.

Indonesia had initiated Resolution A/RES/78/133 entitled “Promoting Creative Economy for Sustainable Development” which was adopted at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on 19 December 2023 and which garnered support from 59 co-sponsorship countries representing cross-regional groupings. The Resolution mandates the UN to regularly discuss creative economy issues, increase capacity building support, facilitate discussions, conduct research, and compile guidelines and publications. The resolution follows Indonesia creative economy policy #142 which was adopted by Presidential decree in 2018.

The creative industry is a significant catalyst which creates economic value for sustainable development and offers opportunities to include mar
Request summary
UNDESA/DISD has received a request for cooperation from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MOTCE) of the Republic of Indonesia, to provide capacity building assistance regarding the enhancement of social inclusion in the development of creative industries.

Indonesia had initiated Resolution A/RES/78/133 entitled “Promoting Creative Economy for Sustainable Development” which was adopted at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on 19 December 2023 and which garnered support from 59 co-sponsorship countries representing cross-regional groupings. The Resolution mandates the UN to regularly discuss creative economy issues, increase capacity building support, facilitate discussions, conduct research, and compile guidelines and publications. The resolution follows Indonesia creative economy policy #142 which was adopted by Presidential decree in 2018.

The creative industry is a significant catalyst which creates economic value for sustainable development and offers opportunities to include mar
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