Transparency, Accountability and Ethics in Public Institutions

Symbolic picture for the course named "Transparency, Accountability and Ethics in Public Institutions"

The training toolkit approaches integrity and effective anti-corruption in public institutions as the results of three interlinking factors: (1) Transparency of government, (2) Accountability, and (3) Transforming mindsets to adopt ethical standards for public servants.

Author(s): DPIDG

Learning objective(s): The course, based on the training toolkit, intends to promote public servants' ethical awareness and transform mindsets for ethical behavior and decision-making, enabling them to become change agents and lead on integrity transformations. ​

SDG(s): SDG16

Type: Toolkit

Effort: The toolkit consists of 18 modules which can be facilitated in a five-day training. Modules can be presented in full or partially, independent from each other and are customizable.

Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Language(s): English 

Certificate: N/A

Price: Free 


You can access the toolkit by clicking the link below:
Toolkit link