Sandboxing and Experimenting Digital Technologies for Sustainable Development

a light bulb as illustration

Frontier technologies can bring about innovative, forwarding-looking solutions for sustainable development but also policy and regulatory challenges. This course is part of a UN Development Account project, aiming at enhancing countries’ institutional capacities to understand, conceptualize, develop and implement policy experimentation and regulatory sandboxes.

Author(s): DPIDG

Learning objective(s): 
1. Identifying, discussing, understanding the key concept of policy experimentation and regulatory sandbox.   
2. Obtain an understanding of requirements, building blocks and stages of a sandbox. 


Type: Self-paced course

Effort: 60-90min

Level: Beginner

Language(s): English 

Certificate: Yes

Price: Free 


In order to begin the course, please register on the platform if you do not already have an account. It will only take 3 minutes to complete this process.

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