Transformational Leadership Capacities in Africa’s Public Sector Institutions to Implement the 2030 Agenda and Achieve the SDGs


This online course is particularly tailored for public servants in Africa or anyone interested in learning about transformational leadership in Africa. The modules are designed to introduce the learner to basic knowledge and skills for dealing with and using transformational leadership for more effective delivery of public services toward achieving the sustainable development goals.

Author(s): DPIDG

Learning objective(s): 
1. Understand and utilize Public sector transformational leadership to achieve SDGs in African countries 
2. Support the 2030 Agenda and leaders who wish to transform their countries

SDG(s): SDG11, SDG16

Type: Self-paced course

Effort: Approx. 130 min

Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Language(s): English 

Certificate: Yes

Price: Free 


In order to begin the course, please register on the platform if you do not already have an account. It will only take 3 minutes to complete this process.

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