Course 1: Global Macroeconomic Outlook and the Impact of Fiscal and Monetary Policy Response

UN DESA kept an eye on the macroeconomic impacts, projecting global and regional contradictions.

During the outbreak and following socio-economic effects, UN DESA kept an eye on macroeconomic consequences, highlighting global and regional contradictions. This course is part of a program.

Author(s):  CDPMO

Learning objective(s):  
1. You learn how to address the social crisis through fiscal stimulus plans 
2. You learn about the financial turmoil that the pandemic causes 
3. You learn about how the pandemic can cause a debt crisis in a country

SDG(s): SDG 3SDG 8

Type: Self-paced

Effort: Approx. 90 minutes

Level: Intermediate

Language(s): English

Certificate: Yes

Price: Free 


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