Course 3: Why Inequality Matters: Social Effects of Inequality on Vulnerable Groups

The COVID 19 pandemic and its economic impacts shook the world along existing fault lines of exclusion, inequality and disadvantage.

COVID-19 struck the globe along established fault lines of exclusion, inequality, and disadvantage, which revealed deep-set gaps in access to essential services and secure livelihoods among social groups. This course is part of a program.

Author:  CDPMO

Learning objectives:  
1. Able to protect and mobilize youth in COVID-19 responses and to adapt to the needs of older persons 
3. Aware of the impact of the crisis on people with disabilities, on gender equality and on indigenous people

SDG(s): SDG 5, SDG 10

Type: Self-paced course

Effort: Approx. 90 minutes

Level: Intermediate

Language(s): English 

Certificate: Yes

Price: Free 


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