Requesting entity name
Ministry of Finance, Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar (Republic of Tanzania)
Demand Region
Demand Sub region
Requesting Country
United Republic of Tanzania
Requesting entity category
National government
Responsible Division/s
Financing for Sustainable Development Office
Areas of Work
Means of implementation
Request summary
RGZ would request FSDO to facilitate updating of the developed Public Assets Management Policy (PAMP) and Public Assets Management Strategy (PAMS) to be in-line with the current Government plans and aspirations. This will involve the following activities:
(1) Reviewing the existing documents based on the current changes took place since their development in 2017;
(2) Undertaking capacity building workshop for assets management focal people at central and local governments for updating the developed Public Assets Management Policy (3 days);
(3) Undertaking capacity building workshop for assets management focal people at central and local governments for updating the developed Public Assets Management Strategy (4 days); and
(4) Undertaking a total of three (3) dissemination workshops for the developed Public Assets Management Policy and Public Assets Management Strategy for central government, local government, and public corporations.
(1) Reviewing the existing documents based on the current changes took place since their development in 2017;
(2) Undertaking capacity building workshop for assets management focal people at central and local governments for updating the developed Public Assets Management Policy (3 days);
(3) Undertaking capacity building workshop for assets management focal people at central and local governments for updating the developed Public Assets Management Strategy (4 days); and
(4) Undertaking a total of three (3) dissemination workshops for the developed Public Assets Management Policy and Public Assets Management Strategy for central government, local government, and public corporations.
Please attach DESA’s response letter/email to the requesting entity through 'Document' field