Areas of Work
UN DESA works to enhance the integration of the three pillars of sustainable development—economic, social and environmental—in policy-making at international, regional and national levels. Its capacity development support prioritizes five capacity areas deemed essential to enable countries to implement and monitor progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. While each area is described distinctly, UN DESA attempts to support these capacities comprehensively, exploiting possible synergies and complementarities across its interventions and building on the support provided by other United Nations system partners, to address specific country needs.
Policy Coherence

One of the key commitments of UN Member States under SDG Target 17.14 is to enhance policy coherence for sustainable development (PCSD). In essence, this means ensuring that different government policies are aligned with and supportive of each other to achieve sustainable development outcomes across its economic, social and environmental dimensions... [Read More]
Evidence-based Policy

Strengthening data and statistical systems for evidence-based policy, monitoring, assessment, and reporting involves assisting countries in building their ability to collect, manage, analyse, and use data in diverse processes. Strong data and statistical systems in turn require coherent and integrated policies and institutions. Statistical capacity also increasingly includes the modernization of statistical information systems, the use of big data,…[Read More]
Social Inclusion

The needs of disadvantaged social groups such as indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, older persons, youth and women, need to be included in policy, engagement, and implementation processes. Social integration and inclusion also addresses gender dimensions, income group disparities, urban-rural issues. New methodologies for data collection facilitate evidence-based policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and reporting…[Read More]
Means of Implementation

The notion of ‘Means of implementation’ describes the interdependent mix of financial resources, technology development and transfer, capacity‐building, inclusive and equitable globalization and trade, regional integration, as well as the creation of a national enabling environment required to implement the 2030 Agenda. Building knowledge and capacity to develop domestic financial frameworks and make use of various kinds of resource mobilization mechanisms (such as International tax cooperation, among others) is key to securing the financial means of implementation…[Read More]
Institutions, Integrated & Inclusive Approaches

Strengthening effective, transparent, accountable and inclusive institutions involves enhancing knowledge and capacity of relevant institutions to implement sustainable development. Public administration support includes the enhanced use of Information and Communications Technology and e-government solutions, to support integrated and participatory policy-making processes necessary to realize sustainable development…[Read More]