The Capacity Development Programme Management Office (CDPMO)

UN DESA's Capacity Development Programme Management Office (CDPMO) supports DESA’s 9 divisions in formulating and implementing the capacity development strategy. It promotes coherence and integrated delivery of its capacity development work. 

Its functions include:

Providing support for the planning, programming, coordination, and evaluation of capacity development work;

  • Supporting knowledge management and communication;
  • Facilitating partnerships and resource mobilization;
  • Providing human resources and financial management services;
  • Managing the Development Account, the United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund, the Department’s Regular Programme of Technical Cooperation component, and Fellowships and Training. 

CDPMO also manages the Junior Professionals Officer (JPO) Programme for the UN Secretariat. 


Learn more about our work by vising the CD brochure.

CD brochure

Contact us

Capacity Development Programme Management Office

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Two UN Plaza.
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New York, NY 10017