Compendium on Innovative E-Government Practices ( Vol III ) - Online Knowledge Base

Compendium on Innovative E-Government Practices is a biannual publication of DPADM. It contains over 500 best practices on innovative adoption and implementation of ICT in public service delivery.

Keywords / Category: e-Government
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
Compendium of ICT Applications on Electronic Government - Volume 2: Mobile Applications on Human Security and Business Development

This volume of compendium focuses on the use of mobile technology, specifically m-technology software products and applications in the areas of human security and business development that are being used in both developed and developing countries.

Keywords / Category: e-Government
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
United Nations GPM: Underlying concepts and empirical illustrations

The Global Policy Model (GPM) is a tool for investigation of policy scenarios for the world economy . The model allows users to specify alternative assumptions about the future economic context and policy responses in different groups of countries and trace macro-economic outcomes over short, medium and long-term timescales.

Keywords / Category: Policy Modelling and Analysis
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
Coordinated and uncoordinated policy measures as the global financial crisis intensifies

The Global Policy Model (GPM) is a tool for investigation of policy scenarios for the world economy . The model allows users to specify alternative assumptions about the future economic context and policy responses in different groups of countries and trace macro-economic outcomes over short, medium and long-term timescales.

Keywords / Category: Policy Modelling and Analysis
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
A low-carbon, high growth policy scenario for the world economy

The Global Policy Model (GPM) is a tool for investigation of policy scenarios for the world economy . The model allows users to specify alternative assumptions about the future economic context and policy responses in different groups of countries and trace macro-economic outcomes over short, medium and long-term timescales.

Keywords / Category: Policy Modelling and Analysis
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
Public and private investment in a low-carbon, high growth policy scenario for the world economy

The Global Policy Model (GPM) is a tool for investigation of policy scenarios for the world economy . The model allows users to specify alternative assumptions about the future economic context and policy responses in different groups of countries and trace macro-economic outcomes over short, medium and long-term timescales.

Keywords / Category: Policy Modelling and Analysis
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
System of National Accounts 2008

This flagship publication, System of National Accounts, 2008 (2008 SNA) is the comprehensive statistical framework for economic statistics that provides a consistent and flexible set of macroeconomic accounts for policymaking, analysis and research. It has been produced and is released under the auspices of the United Nations, the European Commission, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Keywords / Category: National Accounts
Year Of Publication: 2009
OECD: Measuring Capital - OECD Manual 2009

Capital - in particular of the physical sort - plays several roles in economic life: it constitutes wealth and it it provides services in production processes. Capital is invested, disinvested and it depreciates and becomes obsolescent and there is a question how to measure all these dimensions of capital in industry and national accounts. This revised Capital Manual is a comprehensive guide to the approaches toward capital measurement. It gives statisticians, researchers and analysts practical advice while providing theoretical background and an overview of the relevant literature. The…

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Keywords / Category: National Accounts
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
Handbook on Geospatial Infrastructure in support of Census Activities

The handbook is divided into six chapters and seven annexes. It covers managerial issues when reorganizing national statistical offices to permit the full use of geospatial infrastructure. It provides technical content for the data-processing manager or cartography/GIS chief, such as constructing an EA (enumeration area) geodatabase, using global positioning systems (GPS) and remote sensing and creating maps needed for enumeration. The annexes provide a handy reference for those planning and implementing geospatial solutions to census projects.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Year Of Publication: 2009