EUROSTAT: Essential SNA: Building the basics

Within the framework of statistical cooperation, Eurostat is conducting a series of projects that aim at a successful implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA) in the Least Developed Countries, micro-states and other countries that have not yet implemented the SNA. The handbook "Essential SNA Building the Basics" intends to support a successful implementation of the SNA, giving instruments to make an analysis of basic data when preparing national accounts statistics for the first time or improving the existing situation. The version 2012 contains improved and…

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Keywords / Category: National Accounts
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2012
System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012

The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 Central Framework is an international statistical standard that provides the statistical framework consisting of a comprehensive set of tables and accounts, which guides the compilation of consistent and comparable statistics and indicators for policymaking, analysis and research.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Language: English, Spanish
Year Of Publication: 2012