Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Revision 3

This set of principles and recommendations provides guidance on establishing a functioning system for collecting, processing and disseminating vital statistics; improving sources of vital statistics, primarily the functioning of the civil registration system and its components; and the role of complementary sources of vital statistics, such as population censuses, household surveys and public-health records.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Year Of Publication: 2014
Guidelines on producing statistics on violence against women: statistical surveys

The publication provides national statistical agencies with guidance on collecting, processing, disseminating and analysing data on violence against women. These Guidelines introduce the concepts, definitions and data requirements for measuring violence against women and provide guidance on planning, organizing and implementing a survey on violence against women (a stand-alone, dedicated (or specialized) survey, or on how to introduce a module on violence against women into another survey) as well as on planning for data analysis and dissemination.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2014
Handbook of National Accounting: Financial Production, Flows and Stocks in the System of National Accounts

The Handbook provides practical guidance on the calculation and allocation of the production of various types of financial services and issues related to the compilation of the financial account and balance sheets by institutional sector in the context of from-whom-to-whom relationships.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Keywords / Category: National Accounts
Year Of Publication: 2014