The Guidelines on Integrated Economic Statistics provide practical guidance on advancing consistency, coherence and reconciliation of statistical information through the application of the methodology of integrated economic statistics using the System of National Accounts 2008 as the overarching conceptual framework. The Guidelines also provide case studies and other practical material to share experiences in implementing an integrated statistical production approach in national statistical systems.
From time to time the idea of devising a simplified SNA has been floated for developing countries. With this background the World Bank has undertaken the preparation of two handbooks to help extend the implementation of the SNA in countries such as these. This is one of the new handbooks. It suggests that the way to extend the range of implementation of the whole system, however, is not a simplification of the basic theory of the SNA but a simplification of compilation practices. Ideally this should be a first step towards a more extensive coverage of the accounts but even the simplified…
From time to time the idea of devising a simplified SNA has been floated for developing countries. With this background the World Bank has undertaken the preparation of two handbooks to help extend the implementation of the SNA in countries such as these. This is one of the new handbooks. It is not only strictly consistent with the full text of the 2008 SNA, but uses that text. However, by setting aside some aspects of limited (or possibly no) relevance to many small developing countries, such as a description of sophisticated financial instruments and some possible elaboration of links to…
The Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013) is a multi-purpose conceptual and statistical framework that is comprehensive and integrative in nature and marks out the scope of environment statistics. It provides an organizing structure to guide the collection and compilation of environment statistics at the national level. It brings together data from the various relevant subject areas and sources. It is broad and holistic in nature, covering the issues and aspects of the environment that are relevant for policy analysis and decision making by applying it to…