World Youth Report on Youth Civic Engagement

The World Youth Report on Youth Civic Engagement provides policy analysis and recommendations on how to enhance youth engagement in political, economic and community life

Area of work: Social Inclusion
Keywords / Category: Youth
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2016
Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigneous Peoples: Handbook for Parliamentarians

This handbook aims to be a practical instrument to enable
parliamentarians around the world to understand indigenous peoples’ rights better and
to provide practical ideas for the implementation of the UN Declaration. It also presents
good practices in relation to the recognition and exercise of indigenous peoples’ rights
in different regions of the world.

Area of work: Social Inclusion
Keywords / Category: Indigenous Peoples
Year Of Publication: 2014
Mental Health Matters: Social Inclusion of youth with mental health conditions

The primary purpose of the report is to draw on available
research to raise awareness of youth mental-health conditions among relevant stakeholders and to start a global conversation regarding strategies for addressing the challenges faced by young people, with the overarching goal of fostering their economic and social integration.

Area of work: Social Inclusion
Keywords / Category: Youth
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2014
Training Module: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

A training module and facilialtor's handbook offering guidance and materials for trainings of various lengthes

Area of work: Social Inclusion
Keywords / Category: Indigenous Peoples
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2013
Inter-agency Network on Youth Development Information Booklet: Uniting 4 Development

The booklet gives an overview of the work of the Inter-agency Network on Youth Development, including its history and composition and outlines milestones and achievements since its establishment.

Area of work: Social Inclusion
Keywords / Category: Youth
Year Of Publication: 2013
Private Sector Toolkit for working with youth

The Private sector toolkit is geared towards enhancing partnership between youth and the private sector, and is aimed both at strengthening youth participation at all levels through cooperation among various stakeholders, as well as at highlighting the role
of youth as agents of development.

Area of work: Social Inclusion
Keywords / Category: Youth
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2011
Youth Participation in Development, Summary Guidelines for Development Partners

The guide aims to assist development partners working with and for youth – including Governments, donor agencies, policy makers, NGOs and civil society – and to increase understanding of the growing importance of, and greater potential for, youth participation in development.

Area of work: Social Inclusion
Keywords / Category: Youth
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2011
Building a Better Tomorrow: The voices of young people with disabilities

The publication aims to fill some of the knowledge gaps on young people with disabilities, and raise awareness of the specific issues facing them in order to encourage development actors to develop no gap policies and remove the many barriers that face young people with disabilities in all aspects of life.

Area of work: Social Inclusion
Keywords / Category: Youth
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2010
Ressource Kit on Indigenous Peoples' issues

This Resource Kit focuses on development and indigenous peoples, with emphasis on their full and effective participation in all development processes.

Area of work: Social Inclusion
Keywords / Category: MDGs/Indigenous Peoples
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2008
Guide to Youth Delegates of the United Nations

The purpose of the Guide is to provide Member
States with information on national youth delegates to the
United Nations and practical guidance on developing youth
delegate programmes.

Area of work: Social Inclusion
Keywords / Category: Youth
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2008