Guidelines on Citizen's Engagement for Development Management and Public Governance

This guide provides practical tools and ideas on planning and implementing citizen engagement practices.

Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2011
Good Practices and Innovations in Public Governance

This publication gives 1) overview of UNPSD, who is eligible and how to apply, and highlights key aspects of the selection process; 2) description and brief analysis of the successful practices from UNPSA winners from 2003 to 2011; 3) presents key findings on the positive impact that the UNPSA has on further promoting and sustaining innovation in government among its winners, as well as lessons learned on what makes innovation successful.

Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2011
UN E-Government Development Knowledge Base (2010)

The United Nations E-Government Development Database (UNeGovDD) is a benchmarking tool that provides a comparative assessment for monitoring progress of a country’s E-Government Development from 2003 to 2010. As such it provides an interactive snapshot picture of a country’s E-Government Development in the world.

Keywords / Category: e-Government
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2010
Compendium of ICT Applications on Electronic Government - Volume 2: Mobile Applications on Human Security and Business Development

This volume of compendium focuses on the use of mobile technology, specifically m-technology software products and applications in the areas of human security and business development that are being used in both developed and developing countries.

Keywords / Category: e-Government
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
Compendium on Innovative E-Government Practices ( Vol III ) - Online Knowledge Base

Compendium on Innovative E-Government Practices is a biannual publication of DPADM. It contains over 500 best practices on innovative adoption and implementation of ICT in public service delivery.

Keywords / Category: e-Government
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009