Handbook on the Least Developed Country Category: Inclusion, Graduation and Special Support Measures

This Handbook aims at promoting a better understanding of the LDC category and the benefits derived from membership therein. It contains a comprehensive explanation of the criteria, procedures and methodology used by the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) for establishing which countries are eligible for inclusion in, or recommended for graduation from, the LDC category.

Area of work: Policy coherence
Keywords / Category: LDC Graduation
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2015
Vulnerability Monitor No. 1: Global Vulnerability to Trade Shocks

The manuals aim at establishing a reliable monitoring and analysis system to alert policy makers about vulnerabilities that could hurt countries under changing global economic conditions. IMAS tries to address three challenges: To bring existing information together into an effective monitoring framework that allows for real-time assessments of the economic and social impacts of changing conditions in the world economy; To analyze risks related to different types of shocks, their transmissions, and likely effects on developing countries and various population groups To inform policy makers…

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2010
Strengthening International Support Measures for the Least Developed Countries

The Policy Note takes stock of the nature of the financial, technical and institutional support and preferential trade-related treatments that have been provided to LDCs. It provides an assessment of how useful these existing support measures have been and identifies ways in which they can be made more effective.

Keywords / Category: LDC Graduation
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2010
United Nations GPM: Underlying concepts and empirical illustrations

The Global Policy Model (GPM) is a tool for investigation of policy scenarios for the world economy . The model allows users to specify alternative assumptions about the future economic context and policy responses in different groups of countries and trace macro-economic outcomes over short, medium and long-term timescales.

Keywords / Category: Policy Modelling and Analysis
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
Coordinated and uncoordinated policy measures as the global financial crisis intensifies

The Global Policy Model (GPM) is a tool for investigation of policy scenarios for the world economy . The model allows users to specify alternative assumptions about the future economic context and policy responses in different groups of countries and trace macro-economic outcomes over short, medium and long-term timescales.

Keywords / Category: Policy Modelling and Analysis
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
A low-carbon, high growth policy scenario for the world economy

The Global Policy Model (GPM) is a tool for investigation of policy scenarios for the world economy . The model allows users to specify alternative assumptions about the future economic context and policy responses in different groups of countries and trace macro-economic outcomes over short, medium and long-term timescales.

Keywords / Category: Policy Modelling and Analysis
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
Public and private investment in a low-carbon, high growth policy scenario for the world economy

The Global Policy Model (GPM) is a tool for investigation of policy scenarios for the world economy . The model allows users to specify alternative assumptions about the future economic context and policy responses in different groups of countries and trace macro-economic outcomes over short, medium and long-term timescales.

Keywords / Category: Policy Modelling and Analysis
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2009
Latin America and the Carribean's Challenge to Reach the MDGs: Financing Options and Trade-offs

The study analyzes the determinants of improving outcomes in education, health and basic sanitation and the macroeconomic trade-offs caused by scaling up public spending for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), using an integrated modelling approach.

Area of work: Policy coherence
Keywords / Category: MDGs
Language: English
Year Of Publication: 2008
Impact of the global crisis on the achievement of the MDGs in Latin America

This study applies an economic-wide framework to analyze the impact of the crisis on MDG achievement in six Latin American countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Honduras, and Nicaragua).

Area of work: Policy coherence
Keywords / Category: MDGs
Language: English
Vulnerability Monitor No. 2: Global Vulnerability to Food and Energy Price Shocks

The manuals aim at establishing a reliable monitoring and analysis system to alert policy makers about vulnerabilities that could hurt countries under changing global economic conditions. IMAS tries to address three challenges: To bring existing information together into an effective monitoring framework that allows for real-time assessments of the economic and social impacts of changing conditions in the world economy; To analyze risks related to different types of shocks, their transmissions, and likely effects on developing countries and various population groups To inform policy makers…

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Language: English