Country Practices on National Official Statistics Database

The Country Practices Database, established in 2000, provides reference material from countries on the 10 Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, in particular examples of policies and practices in various national statistical systems for implementing the Principle

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Keywords / Category: National Statistical Systems
Language: English
Development of National Statistical Systems - Website

This website serves as the knowledge centre on official statistics and reflects the strong commitment of UNSD to facilitate the sharing of experiences and best practices in the management and development of national statistical systems. This work started with the collation of good practices in the application of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. This website is a searchable repository, providing information on current practices in National Statistical Systems around the world, and international guidelines on statistical organizations

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Keywords / Category: National Statistical Systems
Language: English
The Census KnowledgeBase

The Census Knowledge Base is a fundamental part of the resource centre for the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme. It is a repository of documents relevant for the field of population and housing census taking. This includes international census methodological guidelines as well as documents on best practices in census taking.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Language: English
The Civil Registration and Vital Statistics KnowledgeBase

This Knowledge Center documents and disseminates United Nations methodological guidelines, research articles and country practices and activities in the area of civil registration and vital statistics. It aims at facilitating the international exchange and sharing of knowledge and information, as well as provision of guidance to countries, and monitoring progress made on civil registration and vital statistics.
The Knowledge Center is a searchable database that contains documents on civil registration and vital statistics guidelines, demographic methods, and development of civil…

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Language: English
Population and housing censuses

The website presents practical information and guidelines on census methodology and on best practices to help countries plan and carry out a census, as well as an up-to-date account of national census taking activities and of provision of support to countries in the implementation of the census round.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Language: English
Portal on time-use statistics

This portal provides data and detailed metadata for time-use statistics provided by countries. Detailed information on the collection instruments and type of surveys used by countries to collect time use data is available and serves as a repository of national practices in time use statistics. The portal also provides a one stop access to related methodological guidelines and capacity building events.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Language: English
Portal on violence against women statistics

This portal provides data and detailed metadata for indicators on violence against women. The portal also provides a one stop access to related methodological guidelines and capacity building events.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Language: English
Portal on Minimum Set of Gender Indicators

This portal provides data and detailed metadata for the indicators contained in the Minimum Set of Gender Indicators with available data.
The Minimum Set of Gender Indicators was agreed by the UN Statistical Commission in 2013 as a guide for national production and international compilation of gender statistics and is a collection of 52 quantitative indicators and 11 qualitative indicators covering national norms and laws on gender equality.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Language: English
Knowledgebase on Economic Statistics - Methods and Country Practices

The knowledge base serves as a single web-based access point for a dynamic and centralized repository of information on all aspects of methodology and best country practices for the collection, analysis and dissemination of economic statistics and macroeconomic standards. As such, it facilitates the international sharing and exchange of knowledge on economic statistics programmes as well as the provision of guidance to countries.

Area of work: Evidence-based policy
Keywords / Category: National Accounts
Language: English