Risk-informed Governance and Innovative Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience

Symbolic picture for the course named "Risk-informed Governance and Innovative Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience"


The eLearning course seeks to build capacities to spearhead innovations and utilize Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) and key frontier technologies in the government in order to drive disaster risk reduction and resilience. Special emphasis is given to public service innovations that serve the needs of countries in special situations, including methods for adapting and scaling them to align them with the national contexts. The materials, case studies, and knowledge checks part of the online module aim to explore the mechanisms for access, adoption, uptake, finance, and maintenance of emerging technologies in practical formats that seek to advance public sector capacities for risk-informed policymaking and resilience.


Upon the completion of this online course, you will have gained an understanding of the need and policy relevance of promoting risk-informed governance and innovative technology for DRR and resilience; assessed and analyzed the progress, status, and challenges at the national level in promoting the adoption of digital government solutions and pursuing public service innovation for resilience; and identified how to apply various innovative approaches, strategies, and practices for measuring progress on resilience for strengthened institutions through frontier technologies.




Learning objective(s):
Upon completion of the training, learners will have:​

  • Apply concepts on how to establish public governance frameworks and close technology gaps for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development in vulnerable states.
  • Be equipped with knowledge of how digital government solutions can be implemented to promote public service innovation for resilience.
  • Learn how to promote government innovation and enhance the adoption of frontier technologies for disaster risk reduction and resilience.
  • Mobilize the means of implementation to leverage innovations in technology through public programmes finance and technology transfer.
  • Set up plans to measure progress on DRR and resilience.


The course comprises of module 6 Units:

  • Unit 1: Risk-Informed Governance for DRR and Resilience
  • Unit 2: Science Technology and Government Innovation in Public Governance for DRR and Resilience
  • Unit 3: Practical and Planned Application of Emerging Technology and Government Innovation for DRR and Resilience
  • Unit 4: Implementation of Emerging Technologies and Government Innovation for DRR and Resilience
  • Unit 5: Reflecting on and Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation (optional)
  • Unit 6:Case Studies - Application of Technology for Reducing Disaster Risks


Effort: 5 hours

Level: Beginner

Language(s): English 

Certificate: Yes

Price: Free 


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