Effective National to Local Public Governance for SDG Implementation (Foundational Course)

This Foundational Course seeks to explore the general aspects of effective national to local public governance for SDG implementation. Special emphasis is given to strengthening institutional effectiveness, the importance of multistakeholder engagement, and the role of local governments in achieving the SDGs. The materials, case studies, and knowledge checks part of the online module aim to enhance the capacities of policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders in applying the Principle of Effective Governance to build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels of the government while strengthening vertical and horizontal coordination between the national and local governments to accelerate progress on the SDGs.



Learning objective(s): 
Upon completion of the training, learners will:​

  • Identify the various approaches to institutional effectiveness for the SDGs.
  • Enhance understanding of the whole-of-government approaches to accelerate the SDGs.
  • Gain an understanding on promoting whole-of-society approaches for national-to-local planning to ensure effective stakeholder engagement in public governance and to leave no one behind.


This Foundational Course comprises of 3 Units:

Unit 1: Course Introduction

Unit 2: Institutional Effectiveness for SDGs

Unit 3: Multi-Stakeholder Engagement 


SDG(s): SDG 11SDG 16, SDG 17


Effort: 2.5 hours

Level: Beginner

Language(s): English 

Certificate: Yes

Price: Free 


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